Make a house
your only dream
withIDR 1 Million
Islamic house with tropical and modern minimalist design, enhanced by the front yard planted with plants such as bidara, olives, and figs.
Free to choose location
Best Price
Cheaper than others
up to 30% cheaper than similar properties in the surrounding area
Additional discount up to 12%
Cheap Installments
With 1 million installments, you can get a house
Get funding in the first 5 years with 6% interest
Arrange the installments that are paid according to your ability
Guaranteed Asset Price Increase
Feel the benefits of increasing the selling value of the property
Get the advantage of increasing the selling value of the property by up to 30% in 5 years
Monitor the development of your investment along with the increase in property value
Our Projects
The Leaf Mansion
The Leaf Mansion comes with the concept of affordable and quality housing. The Leaf Mansion is committed to providing the best quality with the best price guarantee. The Leaf Mansion is here to fulfill your dream of owning a home.
Built in an area of 24.67 hectares with a modern cluster concept. The housing developer, Realtegic Group, is committed to providing comfort for prospective owners and residents. This commitment includes environmental management, cleanliness, and safety.
The Leaf Mansion, a residential cluster directly adjacent to Tangerang, is one of the residences with the TOD (*Transit Oriented Development*) concept. Residential areas are built to facilitate the accessibility of residents by public transportation. Electric Rail Train (KRL), is one of the most integrated public transportation in Jabodetabek. The Leaf Mansion is just 400 meters from Tenjo Station. In addition to access to the station which is very close, The Leaf Mansion is also located 3 kilometers from the Serpong-Balaraja Toll Exit.
Our Projects
Green Leaf Bekasi
Green Leaf Bekasi, Perumahan townhouse terbaik di timur bekasi. Kami hadir dengan tampilan rumah yang mewah dengan sistem smarthome yang kekinian dan dibangun dengan kualitas terbaik.
Berlokasi strategis hanya 5 km dari Stasiun LRT Bekasi Timur dan 4 km dari Gerbang Tol Bekasi Timur. Green Leaf Bekasi juga memberikan penawaran terbaik dengan harga rumah mulai dari 480 juta dan cicilan mulai dari 3 jutaan perbulan.
Green Mansion Sukabumi
Green Mansion mengusung konsep perumahan terjangkau dan berkualitas. Green Mansion hadir untuk mewujudkan impian Anda untuk memiliki rumah.
PT Metafora Cipta Sentosa berkomitmen untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi calon pemilik dan penghuni. Komitmen ini mencakup penatan lingkungan kebersihan, dan keamanan.
Perumahan ini dibangun di Desa Cikujang, Gunungguruh, Sukabumi. Lokasinya strategis dengan jarak 2,5 km ke Lingkat Selatan Kota Sukabumi dan 9 km dari Alun-Alun Sukabumi.
Green Leaf Cisauk
Green Leaf Cisauk, berada di Cisauk – Serpong yang menjadi kawasan berkembang yang dapat diakses dengan mudah, hanya perlu waktu 5 menit ke Stasiun Cisauk. Green Leaf Cisauk didesain dengan gaya modern minimalis dengan mempertahankan suasana hijau asri.Berlokasi strategis hanya 2 km dari Stasiun Cisauk dan 4 km dari Pintu Tol.
Cheaper Prices.. Book Now!
Can be resold at a higher price
Pay DP
Mortgage Calculator
Simulate rental and mortgage installments easily here
House Type
House Price
Big DP
Installment per Month
Payment Time
15 years
Rent Installment
Rp 2,000,000 / month
Mortgage Installments(first 5 years)
Rp 2,052,645/ month
Total Rental Fee
IDR 120,000,000
Total mortgage payment
Rp 246.317,380